Red Cross Mobile clinic in the migration project AMiRA, Niamey
(AMiRA = Actions for Migrants: Route-based Assistance)
Danish Red Cross has been present in Niger since 2017 working through the Nigerien Red Cross, providing technical assistance for the implementation of projects and to support capacity building of the Nigerien Red Cross. Danish Red Cross with Nigerien Red Cross has sought to respond to the humanitarian needs of people on the move in Niger. Through a current regional programme, which includes Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sudan, Egypt and Niger, humanitarian assistance, psychosocial support, and information on the journey is provided, to migrants along the route, as well as support to reintegration upon return. The regional project has a budget of DKK 98.5 million, and is supported by DFID and Danida. The budget in Niger is DKK 24 million over three years. The contribution from Danida is around DKK 4mill. per year.
The implementation takes place in two regions, namely Niamey and Zinder, both of which have a high presence and flow of migrants. Niamey-Agadez is located on the migration route towards Europe from West Africa; Zinder-Agadez on the route from Central Africa and Nigeria.
Migrants passing Niamey come from all over West Africa, such as Senegal, Liberia and Guinea, Gambia, Mali and Ivory Coast, the majority being young men heading north or returning from Libya. Women make up a smaller part, but nevertheless are the most vulnerable.
Zinder is specific, as this region receives many returns from Algeria or from Libya. The region also houses migrants from Nigeria who settle temporarily until they have the strength to move north to Libya or Algeria. Finally, there are particularly vulnerable women from the region who attempt to reach Algeria, often accompanied by children.
The project provides support for primary health care, psychosocial support, assistance in establishing contact with relatives, distribution of basic necessities, and finally support for strengthened resilience and living conditions in the areas from which the migrants come (Zinder).
In Niamey, support is provided through a fixed center and a mobile clinic that seeks out migrants in the ghettos. An additional clinic with focus on psychosocial assistance and awareness raising, has just been established.
In addition to the activities taking place in the project, DRC collaborates with local health centers and hospitals, to which patients who need more than primary health care are referred. In this way, Danish Red Cross seeks to further strengthen and support existing services.
It is important to emphasize that the Red Cross neither prevents nor contributes to migration, and is maintaining the Movements principles of, inter alia, neutrality and impartiality in the actions supported.
Susanne Møller Andersen, Country coordinator
Mail suand@rodekors.dk
Tel: +227 8082 7260
S/C Croix-Rouge Nigérienne No 655 rue NB 045 Quartier Niamey bas
Commune II BP 11386, Niamey Niger