Visa application for Niger

Pay attention to the new visa requirements: depending on the purpose of your stay/mission in Niger, specific documents are required.

Visa applicants must be Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, or Icelandic citizens or of a foreign nationality, with residence or business relations in any of these countries.

All communication with the Embassy regarding visa applications should preferably be made by email to

Please apply for the visa at least three to four weeks before departure.

Documents to be provided

Working visit (official mission)

  • The Passport of the applicant
  • The visa application form filled in with passport size photo in colour on it and signed by the applicant
  • The letter of invitation
  • The mission order stating the purpose of the stay/mission in Niger from the organization in charge of the stay or having required the mission
  • The proof of the return ticket and reservations
  • The proof of the accommodation for the stay in Niger
  • Complementary passport size photo in colour

Business visit 

  • The Passport of the applicant
  • The visa application form filled in with passport size photo in colour on it and signed by the applicant
  • The letter of invitation from the business partner in Niger stating the purpose of the stay/mission in Niger
  • The proof of the registration of the business partner in Niger
  • The copy of the identity document or residence permit of the head of the business partner in Niger
  • The proof of the return ticket and reservations
  • The proof of the accommodation for the stay in Niger
  • Complementary passport size photo in colour

Journalist visit

  • The Passport of the applicant
  • The visa application form filled in with passport size photo in colour on it and signed by the applicant
  • The letter of mission stating the purpose of the journalist mission to Niger
  • The filming authorization from the Ministry of Communication of Niger
  • The proof of the return ticket and reservations
  • The proof of the accommodation for the stay in Niger
  • Complementary passport size photo in colour

Private visits (family visits)

  • The Passport of the applicant
  • The visa application form filled in with passport size photo in colour on it and signed by the applicant
  • The letter of invitation
  • The copy of the identity document or residence permit of the person having invited the applicant
  • The proof of the return ticket and reservations
  • The proof of the accommodation for the stay in Niger
  • Complementary passport size photo in colour

For any questions regarding the documents to be provided, please contact the Embassy before planning your mission.

Complementary documents to be provided for Minor applicants

Minor applicants must have a valid passport, issued in his/her name.

  • The travel authorization / the authorization to leave the territory of residence from both parents as well as both parents’ identity documents
  • The birth certificate of the minor applicant
  • The school registering certificate
  • The proof of the affiliation with the person visited in Niger (only when the minor applicant is traveling alone to visit a parent in Niger)

Visa process

The visa process is in two phases:

Phase 1. Forwarding copies of the required documents to the Embassy

In phase 1. The applicant has to forward the required documents to the Embassy as well as the bank-receipts of the transfer of the fee to the Embassy.

Please note that the processing of the visa application can only start when all documents have been provided.

The documents can either be submitted in photocopies addressed to:

Embassy of Niger
Rosbæksvej 11 st
2100 Copenhagen Ø

Or attached to a mail addressed to:

NB! The scanned documents have to be in PDF format and live up to a good photocopy quality. 

Phase 2. issuing of the Visa

In phase 2.  When the Embassy has informed you that the visa can be issued, the following documents will have to be submitted:

  • The original passport
  • The original visa application form
  • The complementary identity photo

The Visa fees

Fee for single entry:             DKK 550,-

Fee for multiple entries:      DKK 850,-

Only bank transfers to the bank account indicated below are accepted.

For bank transfers from accounts outside Denmark,
please add DKK 50,- per transfer to take into account the bank charges in the Danish bank.

Any application with a shortage in the required fees will not be attended to.
Application fees are NOT REFUNDABLE if the application is unsuccessful.

Bank transfers has to be made to the account:
Reg. no : 0111
Account no : 6889847091

For bank transfers from accounts outside Denmark and only for transfers from accounts outside Denmark:
IBAN : DK5720006889847091
Swiftadresse: NDEADKKK

NB! On the bank transfer, you must state the name(s) of the person or persons applying for the visa.

Forwarding and collection of Passports

  • Applicants are responsible for the forwarding and collecting of their passports
  • In case of the use of mail services, registered mail must be used.
  • The Embassy does not take responsibility for posting or sending passports unless a stamped envelope (stamped at registered mail rate) with the return address has accompanied the application.

Complementary information

  • The passport must have a minimum validity of 6 months.
  • The Visa Application Form DK01072018 must be used.
  • When filling in the visa application form, please make sure the information (name, date of birth, passport number, etc.) matches EXACTLY the information on your passport. Any discrepancies will result in delays to your application submission.
  • Visas are valid for a period of three (3) months from the date of issuing.
  • The certificate of yellow fever vaccination is required at the entrance of Niger

The Consular Services at the embassy in Copenhagen are primarily open Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 12 AM or by appointment.

The Consular Services are at your disposal for any information or to facilitate your contacts with institutions or the authorities in Niger.


To access the application form, click on the image above.
The Visa Application Form DK01072018 must be used