Teaching at the Karl-G. Prasse–School in Amataltal, Agadez-region
(photo: Isabelle Grignon)
Collaboration with the Cooperative of Amataltal
For two decades from mid-nineties the small Danish NGO Genvej til Udvikling (GtU) collaborated with the Cooperative of Amataltal 140 kms southwest of Agadez, in the years 1999-2010 supported by grants from DANIDA. The collaboration consisted of support to cattle-breeding, restoration and construction of wells, creation of a grain-bank, training in gardening, handicraft production, adult education, and establishment of a bilingual school. The suggestion for the collaboration came from the late professor of Berber-languages, Karl-G. Prasse and the native project-coordinator Ghabdouane Mohamed. Teaching in the school is still on-going not only in French, but also in Tamasheq, the language of the Tuaregs, as Professor Prasse elaborated a latin writing of the language.
Karl-G. Prasse: https://www.emmaus-international.org/images/site/menu/qui-sommes-nous/emmaus-monde/europe/danemark/GTU/docs_EN/Research_for_the_Poorest.doc.pdf
Ghabdouane Mohamed: https://www.emmaus-international.org/images/site/menu/qui-sommes-nous/emmaus-monde/europe/danemark/GTU/docs_EN/A_Baobab_has_Fallen.pdf
Genvej til Udvikling (GtU): https://www.emmaus-international.org/en/who-are-we/emmaus-around-the-world/europe/denmark/g-t-u.html